• Benefits of Taking the Work Experience Class

    Hours Minors are Allowed to Work

    Ages: 16 – 17: School in Session

    4 hours max. per day Monday – Thursday

    8 hours max. per day Friday – Sunday

    24 total hours per week

    5:00 am to 10 pm


     Students Enrolled in Work Experience Education

    8 hours max. per day Monday – Thursday

    8 hours max. per day Friday – Sunday

    40 total hours per week

    (A request may be approved to allow students to work after 10 pm)


    Elective Credits

    Work Experience Education is a variable credit class.  A student can earn up to 10 credits per semester for a total of 40 during their high school tenure.  Students are encouraged to obtain all 10 credits a semester.  Basically, a student earns a single credit for every 20 hours worked and attending two classes. Four classes must be attended to earn any credits. (See chart: smallest number of classes/hours determine number of credits)